It is known by the international community that Hayflick recently did not make it easy to enroll in a trial for PKAN, referring to several issues such as start-up problems, patient displacements and, the imminent start of HER trial with CoAZ that she said that she was developing in parallel and that, families are still waiting almost two years after her announcement.
Even without official results, the feelings and comments of the families about that trial in PKAN seem very promising, which we celebrate.
Now, it's the turn of BRAINCURE, and in a public manner. So far, Hayflick did it in a more subtle way, inducing the closest and most unconditional families.
Based on observation, we have learned that Hayflick has become a perfect "biomarker" to detect in which drugs or projects special attention should be paid. Three decades of expensive research funded by families must be seized, so, while her trial arrives, or not, she will help us to identify, through their defamations, what she considers a professional threat and therefore, the most appropriate options.
In her speech Hayflick says "I have a problem with ethics":
- Defaming a colleague is a bad practice in any professional field that discredits who does it, but doing it in a public event and without him being able to defend himself confirms that, yes, she has a problem with ethics.
Hayflick has made a grave mistake in ignoring that Braincure is a project created and supported by many families that are not willing to lose our children to wait for her even longer, and even less willing to donate the brains of our children, her last promising occurrence for the patients of this generation.
To attack and defame Braincure, to any other research project or to companies that propose a tangible therapeutic option, is to attack the options of the patients and, we, the families, will not consent to her.
In the buttons below, you will find:
-The Hayflick lies and the replies.
-Document of the University Certifying who and how is involved in the Braincure Project
-Video with her speech and the transcription of Hayflick's speech.