Original video and transcription.


There is also some misbehavior in the scientific community, and I want to talk about that.  As I said we are highly collaborative, we collaborate with almost everybody.  Two groups in the world, on this planet that we don’t collaborate with, and we started collaborating with them but they showed us they were not up to the task.  They didn’t have the ethics that we require in our partner.


One of those is a group in Seville, it’s the brain chair group and I will talk to any of you personally about that situation but what I have known about that group for maybe the last four or five years is that their science is very weak, most of it has not been subjected to peer to review.  So nobody is checking what they are saying, most of it has not been subjected to peer review and that’s all troubling to me but the thing push me to speak to you today is that I learned maybe a month an half ago that they are now in a for profit model and are charging ten thousand Euros, ten and half thousand Euros for their quote service and I think that they have failed on the test of rigor peer review, objective data review.  They have failed on the conflict of interest because the person who is running that organization I gaining at least that’s what it looks like.  He is an owner of the company and the company makes a profit those profits I imagine goes to the owners of the company.  And there is no evidence for the claims that are being made.  So there is a claim of remarkable improvement in the health of a person, one of the NBA disorders and that may be truth but it is never been shared with a member of  not shared with the scientific community for any kind of critical evaluation.


So these are the ways we come to understand what’s true, is that Susie publishes and I look at it and I say wow that is really, you know there are seven layers of evidence for the things that she is claiming.  Or Paul reads my paper and says “ah you can’t conclude cause here a different way to interpret the results that you are putting forward” and I have to go back and say “yeah, I didn’t think of that, here are some experiments we are going to do and let’s see what can conclude”.  We open ourselves to peer review and the group in Seville is not doing that.


I have a proven with the ethics but then it reaches the stage of financial gain,  I think it need to be talked about.



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